Chorale Attendance Policy

It is essential to the health of the organization that we all do our best to attend every rehearsal of
the Chorale. Each and every member is an important thread in the fabric of the Chorale – and every
thread is needed! Please don’t make the assumption that you aren’t an important contributor –
because you are. Most of us need as much rehearsal as possible in order to be ready to perform to
our best. And those few that don’t need to be at every rehearsal, actually DO need to be there in
order to help the rest of us.

We also realize that perfect attendance isn’t always possible. So here is the policy of the Sonoma
Valley Chorale as of January 2013:

If you miss a rehearsal:
Please email or call Ali Keyes when you must be absent. Please note that there are NO excused
absences. You are allowed to miss three rehearsals (Mondays and concert week) per concert
season. Just because you call or email Ali, does NOT constitute an “excused” absence.

(Linda Goudey 707-996-6521, cell 707-696-0365 email [email protected])

If you miss more than three rehearsals:
You will not be able to sing in the concert and there will be no refunds of your registration dues.
However, there are always exceptions. Life happens to us during a concert season and unforeseen
circumstances come up. ALL exceptions must be handled through the conductor. It would make
these decisions easier on everyone, if you would discuss the situation with him ahead of time, when
possible. Our current conductor leads several groups in Sonoma and Napa counties and beyond and cannot be
expected to remember everyone’s individual situation. So please email Travis Rogers

TRAVIS ROGERS: (email) [email protected]

If you join the Chorale after rehearsals have begun or need to leave before the concert:
New members may join the Sonoma Valley Chorale up until the second week of rehearsals for each
concert season. Exceptions to this policy need to be decided by the conductor. See above for
contact information.

We sincerely hope that you will not have to leave the Chorale after rehearsals have begun, but it
happens. Should this be the case, please contact our Chorale registrar:

(Linda Goudey 707-996-6521, cell 707-696-0365 email [email protected])